static class PathSimplifier implements IPathListener
The main idea of the simplification algorithm is to find the shortest route (we use route instead of path to avoid ambiguity with the polyline) in the (unweighted) admissible segment graph. The vertices of this graph are the path points themselves. Two points, with indices i and j, i < j, are connected if they fulfill the following conditions:
The subpath S spanning between i and j, inclusive, is simple, i.e., has no self intersections.
The maximal distance between any point of the subpath S, and the optimal linear approximation L of path S, does not exceed the threshold.
Point i is a pioneer with respect to line L among S.
Point j is a pioneer with respect to line L among S.
After the shortest route is found, the simplified path is made up of the
linear approximations of subpaths that correspond to the route’s edges.
For details, see: PathSimplifier.getSimplified()
But still some definitions remain unclear. By optimal linear approximation
of a point set we would normally understand a line which has the smallest
maximal distance to the points. But since finding such line is
computationally hard, we use a line that is optimal in the least squares
sense as a fair approximation. After linear preprocessing of a point
sequence, such lines can be found in constant time for any subsequence. This
is implemented by LineFitter
For a set of points S, and a line L, point p is a pioneer, if it belongs to S and it’s projection on L is the most external among projection of all other points. In other words, the projections of other elements of S reside on one side of the p‘s projection. Typically, there are two pioneers for given S and L.
A pioneer always belongs to the convex hull of it’s set. Moreover, if
we have such hull for our disposition, we can verify in constant time whether
a given point belonging to that hull is a pioneer. For details, refer to
. Moreover, convex hull for simple polygonal
lines can be computed online in linear time, as is done by
To maintain a simplified path online, as the points arrive, the strategy is to take the newest point, say j, and for, i = j - 1, j - 2, …, 0, check if i and j can be connected. Along the way, seek the shothest route using a dynamic programming approach.
From what was already said, it follows that conditions 1, 3, and 4, can be
resolved in constant time for each i. The only problem remains for the
2nd condition. But the approximation of the maximal distance can still be
effectively computed, using the fact, that all points lie in small radius
from the last optimal line. This task is handled by ErrorBox
, later in this
Also note, that if any of the conditions: 1, 2, 4, fails, no further iteration is necessary, because we will never recover. That said, the resulting online step is pessimistically linear in time, but the practical complexity is much better.
Maintains a simplified version of path. Can be attached to a Path
as a listener and then adjusts the simplified path online on any
static class PathSimplifier implements IPathListener
Additional information stored for each point of the original path
public static final class PointTag
Distance to the starting point in the admissible segment graph
public final int dist;
Index of the next vertex along the shortest path in the admissible segment graph
public final int next;
Determines whether the segment starting in this point takes part in an intersection with another non-adjecent segment later in the path.
public boolean cut;
public PointTag(int dist, int next) {
this.dist = dist; = next;
this.cut = false;
The original path
private final Path path;
Length of the path being simplified. Normally this should be equivalent to
but in the initial steps, when starting with a non empty
path, it may be smaller, in order to artificially simulate the construction
private int pathLength;
to retrieve information about optimal linear approximation of
selected path segments. It is registered as listener to path
before this
, so when we receive a path change callback, the fitter can
be assumed to already be in the newest state.
public final LineFitter fitter;
Additional information stored for the points of simplified path. The
indexing of tags
is identical to that of path
private final List<PointTag> tags = new ArrayList<PointTag>();
The maximal allowed squared distance between original path points and the simplified path.
private final float thresholdSq;
Possible events that may occur during addmisibility checking of segment
during onAddPoint()
. Used for visualization purposes and
public enum Event
The segment obeys all rules from 1 to 4
Point i
takes part in an intesection (rule 1 violated)
The distance to optimal line exceeds threshold (rule 2 violated)
Point i
is not a pioneer (rule 3 violated)
Point j
is not a pioneer (rule 4 violated)
List of events that occured for each considered i
during last
. Used for visualization purposes and debugging.
public final List<Event> trace = new ArrayList<Event>();
Creates a simplifier attached to given path and using given threshold as the maximal distance between the path points and the simplified path.
public PathSimplifier(Path path, float threshold) {
this.path = path;
this.fitter = new LineFitter(path);
this.thresholdSq = threshold * threshold;
We artificially invoke the modification callbacks to simulate the construction steps that have taken place before this simplifier was created
for (PVector p : path)
onAddPoint(path, p);
public void onClear(Path sender) {
pathLength = 0;
public void onAddPoint(Path sender, PVector p) {
int j = pathLength++;
PVector pj = p; // equivalent to path.point(j)
ErrorBox errorBox = new ErrorBox(fitter.fitLine(j, j), pj);
SimplePathHull hull = new SimplePathHull();
SimplePathHull.Node nj = hull.offer(pj);
if (j == 0) {
tags.add(new PointTag(0, -1));
int next = j - 1;
int dist = tags.get(next).dist;
for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
PVector pi = path.point(i);
PointTag ti = tags.get(i);
Stop if the segment starting at i
intersects with any other segment along
the path to j
, because hull
only handles simple polylines.
if (
ti.cut ||
i < j - 2 &&
Geometry.intersect(pi, path.point(i + 1), path.point(j - 1), pj)
) {
ti.cut = true;
Compute the optimal line approximation along with the maximal error approximation and stop if the threshold is violated
Line line = fitter.fitLine(i, j);
errorBox.extend(line, pi);
if (errorBox.error() > thresholdSq) {
Consider the edge between i
and j
as admissible, if both points are
pioneers with respect to the optimal line. If the j
th point is not
a pioneer, then it will never get back to being one, so we can break
right here.
SimplePathHull.Node ni = hull.offer(pi);
if (ni == null || !isPioneer(line, ni)) {
if (!isPioneer(line, nj)) {
if (ti.dist < dist) {
next = i;
dist = ti.dist;
tags.add(new PointTag(dist + 1, next));
For a given line an a convex hull point, determines whether that point is a pioneer with respect to that line
private static boolean isPioneer(Line line, SimplePathHull.Node n) {
if (!n.isValid())
return false;
For a hull point, it suffices to check whether the projections of its adjecent hull points lie on the same side of its projection
PVector t = line.tangent();
float dp =, Geometry.span(n.pos(), n.prev().pos()));
float dn =, Geometry.span(n.pos(),;
return dp * dn >= 0;
Retrieves the simplified path
public Path getSimplified() {
if (pathLength <= 1)
return path;
Path result = new Path();
We go along the shortest route and take the line approximations of the subpaths corresponding to passed edges. We add intersectionf of subsequent lines as points of the simplified path. The first and the last point are projections of the first and last point of the original path onto the corresponding lines.
int j = pathLength - 1;
int i = tags.get(j).next;
Line line = fitter.fitLine(i, j);
result.addPoint(Geometry.project(path.point(j), line));
while (i != 0) {
j = i;
i = tags.get(j).next;
PVector pj = path.point(j);
Line prevLine = line;
line = fitter.fitLine(i, j);
PVector p = Geometry.intersection(line, prevLine);
TODO: If the lines are parallel or some other crazy stuff, I can’t
seem to find any good solution without violating the threshold
condition. Honestly, just adding p
, only guarantees that we are within two
threshold of the original path.
if (isSingular(p) || Geometry.distSq(p, pj) > 4 * thresholdSq)
result.addPoint(Geometry.project(path.point(0), line));
return result;
Manages a rectangle defined in line coordinates. It is used as a bound for
positions of points of a given set. For detailed explanation of line
coordinates, see: Line
public static final class ErrorBox
Line in which cooordinate system this rectangle is defined
private Line line;
Minimum and maximum s coordinate
private float s0, s1;
Minimum and maximum t coordinate
private float t0, t1;
Creates a new error box in given line coordinate system, containing a single point
public ErrorBox(Line line, PVector p) {
this.line = line;
LVector l =;
this.s0 = this.s1 = l.s;
this.t0 = this.t1 = l.t;
Adds new point to the bounded set, possibly enlarging the box, and converts the representation to coordinate system of a new line.
public void extend(Line line, PVector p) {
LVector l =;
LVector l00 = line.remap(this.line, s0, t0);
LVector l01 = line.remap(this.line, s0, t1);
LVector l10 = line.remap(this.line, s1, t0);
LVector l11 = line.remap(this.line, s1, t1);
this.line = line;
s0 = min(l.s, l00.s, l01.s, l10.s, l11.s);
s1 = max(l.s, l00.s, l01.s, l10.s, l11.s);
t0 = min(l.t, l00.t, l01.t, l10.t, l11.t);
t1 = max(l.t, l00.t, l01.t, l10.t, l11.t);
Computes the largest possible value of the squared distance between a point inside the rectangle, and the line defining its coordinate system
public float error() {
return max(t0 * t0, t1 * t1) * (line.a * line.a + line.b * line.b);
Gets the four rectangle vertices in cartesian coordinate system
public PVector[] getCartesianCorners() {
return new PVector[] {
line.unmap(s0, t0),
line.unmap(s0, t1),
line.unmap(s1, t1),
line.unmap(s1, t0)