static class LineFitter implements IPathListener
Given line L: ax + by + c = 0 and point p = (x, y), we can compute the squared distace d(L, p) between those two, using the simple formula
d(L, p) = (ax + by + c)^2 / (a^2 + b^2).
Given a set of n points, p1 = (x1, y1), p2 = (x2, y2), …, pn = (xn, yn), We define the least square error f(a, b, c) of a linear approximation L by the sum of their squared distances:
f(a, b, c) = d(L, p1) + d(L, p2) + . . . + d(L, pn).
Minimizing this error yields an optimal linear approximation in the least squares sense. Solving this problem, by seeking the roots of the derivative of f, leads to an algorithm, that after linear preprocessing, determines the optimal approximation for any continuous subsequence of points in constant time.
Provides means to quickly retrieve optimal linear approximation of
a subsequence of path points. Can be attached to a Path
object, thus making
the linear approximation readily avilable after any modification.
static class LineFitter implements IPathListener
Length of the path being approximated. Normally this should be equivalent
to path.length()
but in the initial steps, when starting with a non empty
path, it may be smaller to artificially simulate the construction process.
private int pathLength;
Partial sums of the point x coordinates
private FloatList sumsX = new FloatList();
Partial sums of the point y coordinates
private FloatList sumsY = new FloatList();
Partial sums of the squares of point x coordinates
private FloatList sumsXX = new FloatList();
Partial sums of the squares of point y coordinates
private FloatList sumsYY = new FloatList();
Partial sums of the products of point coordinates
private FloatList sumsXY = new FloatList();
Creates new fitter attached to given path
public LineFitter(Path path) {
We artificially invoke the modification callbacks to simulate the construction steps that have taken place before this fitter was created
for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); ++i)
onAddPoint(path, path.point(i));
void onClear(Path sender) {
pathLength = 0;
sumsX.clear(); sumsX.append(0);
sumsY.clear(); sumsY.append(0);
sumsXX.clear(); sumsXX.append(0);
sumsYY.clear(); sumsYY.append(0);
sumsXY.clear(); sumsXY.append(0);
void onAddPoint(Path sender, PVector p) {
float x = p.x, y = p.y;
int i = pathLength;
sumsX.append(sumsX.get(i) + x);
sumsY.append(sumsY.get(i) + y);
sumsXX.append(sumsXX.get(i) + x * x);
sumsYY.append(sumsYY.get(i) + y * y);
sumsXY.append(sumsXY.get(i) + x * y);
Gets the line approximation for the whole path
public Line fitLine() {
return fitLine(0, pathLength - 1);
Gets the line approximation for the subpath starting at index i
ending at index j
public Line fitLine(int i, int j) {
return fitLine(
rangeSum(sumsX, i, j), rangeSum(sumsY, i, j),
rangeSum(sumsXX, i, j), rangeSum(sumsYY, i, j),
rangeSum(sumsXY, i, j),
j - i + 1
private static Line fitLine(
float sumX, float sumY,
float sumXX, float sumYY,
float sumXY,
int n
) {
if (n <= 0)
return new Line(1, -1, 0);
Normally the following coefficients should never be negative, as follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, but we want to play safe in case of floating point errors
float fa = max(n * sumXX - sumX * sumX, 0);
float fb = max(n * sumYY - sumY * sumY, 0);
This condition detects cases where all points are nearly indistinguishable.
The returned line direction is difficult to compute, so we just make sure the
line we return passes near the points. Case n == 1
is also handled here.
if (fa <= Float.MIN_NORMAL && fb <= Float.MIN_NORMAL)
return new Line(-1, -1, (sumX + sumY) / n);
The following computations should in ideal case give the same result, but we choose the one that is numerically safer.
if (fa < fb) {
float a = 1.0f;
float b = (sumX * sumY - n * sumXY) / fb;
float c = -(sumY * b + sumX) / n;
return new Line(a, b, c);
} else {
float a = (sumX * sumY - n * sumXY) / fa;
float b = 1.0f;
float c = -(sumX * a + sumY) / n;
return new Line(a, b, c);
private static float rangeSum(FloatList sums, int i, int j) {
return sums.get(j + 1) - sums.get(i);